The original bass has no direction. Therefore, it is difficult to determine its source. Let’s consider how to install the subwoofer in the car to achieve high-quality sound.
1. Front center
Good position. Good communication with front speakers promotes the expansion of the transient frequency. Although in vehicles with limited space in front of such installation is not possible. This method is suitable for minibusses. Since there is not a lot of space there, it is necessary to use a small closed case for the subwoofer.
2. Luggage compartment, forward orientation
This method is prevalent. Although if there is not enough space between the subwoofer and the opposite wall of the luggage compartment, the sound wave emitted by the subwoofer is subjected to pressure and the quality of the bass will suffer. As for cars such as sedan or coupe, there is a suppressed sound wave of the front speakers, reaching the trunk, changes phase to the reverse. And if you open the trunk, the sound becomes unexpectedly loud. Usually, the reason is the internal layout.
3. Luggage compartment, rear orientation
That’s not a wrong way to do it. But in cars such as sedan or coupe behavior of the sound wave will be the same as in the previous case. To correct this effect, use a large enough acoustic screen, remove obstacles in the way of the sound wave or reduce the size of the body. In cars such as hatchback or van, such problems do not arise.
4. Level with the floor
The method “level with the floor” applies to the trunk, where the tires are. The floor of the trunk successfully performs the role of an acoustic screen; the bass acquires good spaciousness and energy. This method can be used in cars of different types — sedan, coupe, wagon, except for models that do not have space for spare tires. Moreover, the installation of a large diameter subwoofer can cause problems, because there is not much space.
5. Rear shelf
For sedan and coupe is a good position. The placement of the subwoofer there must be strong enough to withstand the pressure of sound waves and its weight.
Important points when installing the subwoofer
Body weight
The energy of the bass resonates the surrounding objects. Each of them begins to produce sound on its frequencies, which leads to the degradation of the musical bass. To play the cleanest, most unpolluted bass, the subwoofer body must be as heavy as possible, so as not to resonate itself and not to spread resonance. If the car is not overly burdensome, the higher the weight of the body, the better the bass.
A good effect of vibration damping gives the use of insulating material inside the housing, which is used in home speakers.
Choice of material
For the case of loudspeakers, you should choose a material that has a lower resonance and not chokes the sound. The most suitable for automotive acoustics is wood. Fiberboard is an excellent material: cheap, heavy, difficult to resonance and easy to handle. Birch and oak, too, are good: heavy and difficult are amenable to resonance, although expensive and are tough for processing. It is best to use plates with a thickness of more than 7 inches.
Sound absorbing material is necessary, but not in many quantities.
Sound-absorbing material is needed to reduce the effect of standing waves inside the body. But if you use too much of this material, the sound becomes clamped, and the speaker recoil is reduced. Glue the sound absorbing material at least to the back wall inside the case, or at most to the back, top and bottom walls inside the case. It is better to use a spongy material because it has better sound-absorbing properties.
Differences in sound depending on the shape
- Rectangular. Such a body is easy to manufacture but is prone to the formation of peaks over F3 and dips after F3. Leveling characteristics are achieved by methods such as installation inside the reflective plate, reducing the parallel phase, the use of sound-absorbing material.
- Trapezoidal 1. Although the hump on the energy curve is slightly smoothed, the failure after the peak remains. Moderate use of sound-absorbing material is desirable.
- Trapezoidal 2. The characteristic is more even than in the previous two cases. If the corners of the body round, the feature becomes even more even.
- Trapezoidal 3. On the front part of the trapezoidal body, 2 imposed another trapezoidal shape. The curve takes a smooth, sloping form and the sound becomes more energetic.
Installation of the subwoofer in the compartment where the “spare tire” is stored is called hidden mounting. The floor of the luggage compartment forms an acoustic screen, convenient for low-frequency distribution. And if we can lower the transient frequency at the junction with the front speakers – this will be the best place to install the subwoofer.
We would also advise you to check this post, where we’ve gathered the best models of 15-inch subwoofers with the price point below $200.